The nuclear bombs and meltdowns

This was the topic I was least excited about and its gonna take the longest to complete

Nulcear bombs

Lets start at one of the most important parts of ww2. On august 6 and august 9 in 1945 the US dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings bassicly ended ww2 because of how devistationg they were. The bombs droped were called the "Little boy" and the "Fat man", one had uranium fuel and the other plutonium. This event changed war forever because it displayed the destructive capabilitys of humanitys destruction and put the fear into the populus of their entiree state being wiped of the face of the planet. The threat of war no longer involved the scare of a war lasting years, dwindled to a war lasting as long as it takes for each countrys nukes to reach each other. These bombing are often refernced to why nuclear power is a bad idea but nuculear power would not make more nukes this is just anti-nuclear propaganda made by oil tycoons to make you fear the thought of the switching energy/power and to keep their grip on the us stronger.


The most infamous meltdown in history was the Chernobyl meltdown. Located in Ukraine Chernobyl had a quite terrable meltdown where 30 people died and it made the evirment un-inhabitable for a while, but my issue with Chernobyl was that it wasnt the plants fault it was human error that caused the meltdown so it really just isnt a point against nuclear energy, its proof of how far nuclear energy has come since then. Now nuclear energy is one of the safest sources of power out there.

Nuclear waste

This is one of the stronger main points against nuclear power but it is the weakest at the same time. nuclear waste looks nothing like the commen image of that glowing green sludge (thank you simpsons for the misinformation) in actualality it looks more like a greyish yellowish type thing, and acording to the artical made by the nuclear energy institute there isnt much of it. acording to said artical if we put all the nuclear waste in the world toghether it would only take up one foot ball feald and be 10 yds in height (for the rest of the world imagine a rectangle with the dimensions of 91.44 meters long and 48.8 meters wide and around 9 meters tall) which isnt that much in the grand scheme of things isnt much considoring like 100x that in Co2 is released everyday into our atmospheare by our current system.