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this is for a small personal project of mine so if you find any inaccuracys or mistakes point them out for me, my info is in the contact page. Also shit aint done.
In 1954 the first nuclear reactor was powered on with the label the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, it was connected to Moscows power grid but the first full scale power plant comencened oporations in Calder Hall located in the United Kingdom in 1956. The first full scale one was dedicated soley to electricity production was the Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania activated in 1957. These power plants are landmarks of the history of clean power because they were such early pionears of the cleanest most reliable source of energy known to man, now some people will say "oohh wind power, and solar sharter is better and" and if your thinking this you just dont know but millions must learn about nuclear energy. Wind and solar farms are a massive waste of space and only produce energy when good weather conditions, and even when they do make energy they produce not enough energy! there is also the dialema of space, of which both wind and solar take up loads of space and compared to the other options nuclear engergy takes up little to no space.
If you want a quick explanation of how nuclear energy works I have not completed that section (yet, im writing it as your reading this) but i am just gonna quote wikipedia "Nuclear power plants are thermal power stations that generate electricity by harnessing the thermal energy released from nuclear fission. A fission nuclear power plant is generally composed of: a nuclear reactor, in which the nuclear reactions generating heat take place; a cooling system, which removes the heat from inside the reactor; a steam turbine, which transforms the heat into mechanical energy; an electric generator, which transforms the mechanical energy into electrical energy", and theres this image to help picture it in your head.